Finally, pictures of Cosmo our (relatively) new puppy! We got him on Sunday, April 3rd. He is a little over 6 months old and is a Yorkie and Bichon Frise mix. He is a great dog...loves to play, loves to cuddle, is doing well with potty training, sleeps on car rides, good with other dogs, and hasn't been chewing THAT badly. We got him from a lady who lives in Scottsville, KY which is almost to the Tennessee border. We spotted him on her website on the Friday before we got him and knew we had to go take a look. So, on Sunday we drove 2 and a half hours to see this dog (is that crazy?!). Anyway, he was perfect...the color, the soft coat, the type, and best of all he doesn't shed! Ryan picked him up and the when he put him down the first thing he said was, "Look! No hair on my shirt!" HA!
When we put him in the car, he fell right asleep and slept the whole way home. No crying or whining. The first night was a little difficult because he didn't want to be trapped by the baby gate in our bathroom, so Ryan kindly chose to sleep on the floor next to him. This happened a few nights, but now is doing well and goes right into his cage at night.
The first week we had him I came home everyday during my lunch/planning period to let him out and then came straight home after school. Needless to say, I didn't get ANY school work done and am still paying for it.
It has taken a little bit getting used to having a dog again, but one of the things that totally makes it all worth it is the welcome home. There's nothing that can match the excitement a dog shows when you get home each day. It is so worth it!