Thursday, June 26, 2003

Kat's Vet Trip

Today dad and I took Kat to the vet. This has been his first trip to the vet since his traumatic leg experience (if you don't know, my cat is now a tripod, having only 3 legs). He did very well. He deserves a sticker.


  1. A sticker to the fur?!?! Now that's mean. I do believe I deserve some photo credits. That's a sharp lookin' photo. And who else could have gotten such a scared look on his face?

  2. good pic! it almost looks like a normal cat! ;-)

  3. if Kat loses anymore legs I will do fundraising to buy him a special motorized kitty wheelchair. It will be one of my first and largest contributions to society.

  4. YAY! Thanks Jennie! Actually I think it would be funnier if the wheels were installed on Kat directly! :)
