Sunday, January 14, 2007

Wow! What a husband!

I have to brag on Ryan a bit.

I went out with Jennie and Jill today for lunch at Chili's on Hurstbourne, so I got some of the house cleaning finished prior to leaving, but knew that I still had to vacuum when I got home. But no...on the way home I called Ryan to let him know I was heading back and to my wonderous surprise he informs me that he not only vacuumed, but also mopped, and cleaned the bathrooms while I was gone!!! Wow! What a husband!!
That made my day. Thanks Ry!


  1. Hey - - what about the part that I pulled a gerbil-sized hairball out of the bathtub drain cleanout?
    Left to do the dirty-work while you are out playing.
    I am beginning to think I am a cindarella-man. :-)

  2. Join the club! I used to have the pull out those massive hairballs when she was home.

  3. It was good to hear from you! Tell Ryan good job and hello.
